Our town, like so many others, pack lunches for kids who otherwise might go without a decent meal. We do it 5 days a week from the 'headquarters' of Main Street United Methodist Church. We do 260 lunches in a day. They go to 3 apartment buildings in our town and 2 very small towns bordering Barnesville: Belmont and Bethesda. Today, we packed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pudding cup, granola bar, and small packets of fruit juwies. There were 7 of us plus the head person with 3 more persons in the other room doing the 2 outlaying towns - a little more than we needed, but next Tuesday 3 will not be there so we should be just about right. I and two friends of mine help out on Tuesdays. Others come on other days. It's a very good cause and I enjoy doing it. It's fun being with my friends too. The one is really funny and kept us all laughing.