

Friday, March 25, 2016


 Sara and her children were up from Dallas over their spring break from Wed. through Sat. of last week.  On Friday Mike and I took them to COSI (Center of Science and Industry) in downtown Columbus, Ohio.  There are two newer sites in Bexley Square and Easton Center but the downtown one was closer, so we went there.  It's new since the 1990s.  I remember taking my kids to the first one in the 80s.  It was huge and quite nice.  There were various exhibits throughout three floors.  There were things to do and read about in each big section plus a play area.  The little one chose mostly the play area whereas Aaron walked around with Mike and read and tried things.  He really liked the LEGO section.  Abigail loved the play area in it as you can see below.

 This was in the LEGO section also.  You could make your own car and race it down a long slope.  Both children enjoyed that.
 This was an interactive that Mike was helping them with.

Then there was the humongous play area on the third floor.  There was everything imaginable, but their favorite by far was the water play area.  We only lured them away from there with lunch.  I accompanied Abigail throughout the day whereas Mike was with Aaron, so there are more pictures of Abigail as I had the camera.

 Resting while we wait for Aaron to put his water bib away.

This was the barn area.  There was also a big playhouse with a kitchen and all kinds of play food, etc but it was hard to see her well enough there for pictures.  The same with the playground area.  In that case, there were just too many kids milling around.

The bottom two pictures were taken at Columbus airport.  We always have lunch at Max and Erma's in the airport then they go through security.  It's become a tradition.

It was a wonderful visit!  Doug and his crew came over Thursday eve for supper and the cousins played together.  Then we went to Doug's on Friday for a surprise birthday party for Peyton.  She turned 13--a teenager!  I will post about that later.


  1. Hi Beth, You have such an incredible family. I know how much you enjoy seeing ALL of the grandchildren --and your kids... That is just so special... Amazing how many wonderful places there are for kids these days. I know that both of those children enjoyed their day.


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