

Monday, March 26, 2012


I can't go into much detail: privacy issues.  But a boy student and his parents are appealing a ten-day suspension given by our principal.  They meet with the superintendent this morning.  The situation is already dividing our school.  Whether the boy did what they say he did is not so much the issue to me as how it was handled.  I would be livid if my son had been treated the way this young man was. I am angry as a teacher who has seen another side of this boy and who believes he's being used as an example because his parents are rich and the boy is looked up to by others.  He has already missed 3 days of school and all his 3rd 9 wk. tests which will dump his grades in the toilet.  He has missed two scrimmages and two games in baseball.  He is the star pitcher.  (If it were football season, I'm not as certain our former football coach and now principal would have handled it the same way--the boy is a star football player).  He has been humbled. He is willing to apologize and eat humble pie.  However, I feel an apology is also owed him and his parents.
Please pray.   This could implode.  Please pray for God to work what is best for all.  Thank you.
Also pray for us staff: sexual discrimination is alive and well in our school district.
Thank you.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear you are dealing with trouble at school again. I'll add it to my prayer list.

  2. Oh my. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. i hope it is not too late , but i shall pray.

  4. Again, you are a needed person in your school. Somehow you have insight and wisdom... and you don't strangle people who are acting in an ungodly,foolish, stupid manner. IF I was there, I might not "strangle", but my face would look like I was headed that direction.

    Hope it came out well.


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