

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ruffles Made by Nature

A sample of a few of my lilies from my side yard.

When playing around with this post
(I wanted to feature my lilies a bit unconventionally),
a saying started sashaying through my mind--
you know--- the kind that drives you a little nutty.

Well, I thought it was "Ruffles with Ridges,"
and that it was a slogan for RUFFLES potato chips.

Nothing would do, but that I look it up--
whatever did we do before Google?!

I found a bunch of sites--some strange ones--
but the following is what I stuck with.
It's by Frito Lay for their now famous RUFFLES potato chips:

"Chip lovers have come to know that “R R R Ruffles Have Ridges!” The thick ridges of RUFFLES® Potato Chips help hold more great potato chip flavors and stand up to the thickest dips."

I wonder if this applies to flowers---Do the ridges in the lily petals have a flavor or smell distinction?
Hmmm. Perhaps another google search for another time.

Can you tell that I don't want to go clean the basement?!!!


  1. Your ruffles are beautiful - and have no calories!

  2. Ruffles just whet your appetite for more!!!

  3. you are very creative when you don't want to clean the basement :-)

  4. Hi Beth, YES---Nature does give us lots of 'ruffles' doesn't it????? Gorgeous pictures....

  5. Chuckling again! [And hungry, thanks to you.]

  6. Oh, now those are my favorite kind of ruffles... nature made, of the flower variety. ;o)


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