

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Corner View: Countdown

This week's corner view topic is "countdown."
I chose to feature the countdown to our school starting next Tuesday.

The first three photos are of my room.
I want to redo my bulletin boards.
I have just begun to put my new supplies away
and to get other items out.
My shelves are still in 'summer storage' mode
and need to be de-cluttered and rearranged.

I will be working in my room for the next two days.
Friday will begin my last summer lake weekend
and then Tuesday I will begin my daily school routine.

The next photos are of a friend and colleague's room
She is thrilled to be teaching history this year.
She has taught special ed. for ten years and has burned out on it.

The other teacher retired after almost 40 years of teaching at our school.
My friend has been busy cleaning up, clearing out, and making the room her own.
She is sooo excited!

Her desk area is set up and ready.

One of her completed bulletin boards.
She will change the words
as she completes one unit and begins another. 

I really liked her idea of using this large jar for the jumbo clips.
I am going to try and so something similar---
---much better than having them sliding around in drawer.

She devised a handy way for reviewing for state tests.

We are all in some form of count-down.
We have our first professional eduction day and teachers' opening day
'under our belts'.
Both went well.

For more corner views,
please check out Francesca's fuoriborgo


  1. I love new beginnings. I think you teachers are lucky to be able to start fresh every school year, and you get to set up your rooms as you please.
    Here's to an awesome year of teaching!!

  2. Oooh- I like yuour room! Here's hoping that you have great students this year. They are lucky to have you for a teacher!

  3. The beginning of a new school year is perfect for a count down. Your room is looking good and I know your students will be blessed by you!

  4. A very blessed new schoolyear!
    (I already wrote it, but in case you didn't see it: thank you for your inspiring words on thankfulness!)

  5. everything looks so clean and shiny and new. beautiful. good luck next week!

  6. i like the sound of a weekend at a lake...wish i could go too.

  7. i always wished i could have a classroom to set up but i never wanted to be a teacher !!

    your classroom looks great ! very organized !

  8. How lucky our children are to have teachers like you who love and care about them, and teach them far more than academics!

  9. This countdowm sounds like sweet "souvenirs" :)

    In French we use to say "bon courage pour la rentrée".

  10. i can well imagine that countdown to schoolday one again. early start for you guys, about 15 days earlier than over here...
    it must be giddily exciting, wanting to start a new year, yet reluctant to end summer and plunge into all of the nitty gritties of another school year as well.
    so. i hope your first tuesday has been a magical one, in its own right {or should i say rite?}. we'll hear about it, i'm sure.

    the sisi's are kicking ***, no worries, but life is forever getting in the way. there's a lot of change happening around here, minor domestical adjustments to big time life effects, but it's sure taking its toll.
    more later... (you'll have to countdown... ha ha ha)

  11. Enjoy your weekend by the lake! Thinking of all you teachers and students as the new term starts including our daughter who teaches in an infant school and is doing the same count down.

  12. What a great way to ease into the academic life once again!


  13. I'm a history-oriented person, and also like to discuss English, but never been very good at the grammar details. Somehow, they have never planted into my heart/head just right. But I try. I've read so much for so many years I just automatically write and catch my errors.

    Bless your teachering as it goes forward.


I welcome your thoughts. Please let me know you stopped by.