

Friday, June 13, 2014

Five-Minute Friday: Messenger

Gut feelings---that's my messenger.  I know what needs to be done and for whom.  Often the message is a surprise and I'm hesitant to obey.  What if they think I'm nuts? What if they really don't like or want or need this?  What if I imagined this? What if; what if; what if?  I can 'what if' myself until the 'moment' has passed.  Then, regret hits and the guilt that I have let God down, because I firmly believe He's the one poking me in the gut.  I've done this countless times with cards.  Cards still are special to a lot of people. Short notes written on the card or on note paper tucked inside it up the 'meanfulness anty' (my made-up term) considerably  They tuck it away with the other special cards and notes to peruse years down the road.  I have ones dating from before junior high and I'm 60.
I'm better at listening when I'm not in school.  I tire easily when teaching and reserve myself for my students.  So friends are sometimes neglected.  I choose to ignore the poke in the gut.  I'm listening now and several cards with small gifts tucked in them as well as notes are making their way to some friends.  Some have already arrived and been gratefully acknowledged.  I don't feel silly now. . . well. . . as silly.

Read more on "Messenger" at Five-Minute-Friday at Lisa-Jo Baker's blog.

Five Minute Friday


  1. Anyone, anybody... could send me a card anytime. :) Can this be a love language? I'd like to think so.

    You're being my messenger right now. I smile. I am just like you in this. I will to send more cards out - because it is a lost art. The act of being thoughtful, mindful of others. I too, "what if" my time away and then I lose heart and the opportunity. Thank you for sharing this today. Actually, I'm excited that I was the FMFer who blogged just after yours...and that I got to come here to read this today. :)

    I'm Bevy, from Treasured Up and Pondered. Nice coming by here, this evening, and meeting you.

    God Bless..

  2. Cards are very special and I know it's something I need to do more of. Thanks for the post and the reminder!

  3. Receiving a card in the mail certainly makes the day brighter. An act of thoughtfulness that pays huge dividends.


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